Murals and trump l'oeil, commissioned works.
Here my client requested the stairs, walls and ceiling to resemble an African safari. Along with the landscape, birds and wildlife, the stairs were faux painted to look like stone on the wall.
This is one of two vases painted on a powder room wall. The marble base and the pedestal are painted to match the vanity top and cabinet that are in the room.
This mural was designed for a play area for two boys. The objects in the mural were placed according to what personally interested the boys.
This mural was painted on a curved textured wall. The marble and granite were all painted to match the existing stone in and around the home.
This trumpe l'oeil was painted in a small space, yet was a high traffic area. By painting three walls with a continuous image, this area became the clients favorite location in their home.
Trumpe L'oeil on all walls in this beautiful bathroom.
This theme continued through out the bathroom with peach colored walls.
This is the entrance to the bathroom. All the flowers in this Trumpe L'oeil match the flowers from a rug that is placed in the center of the bathroom.
A painted seagull draping the water closet with a beautiful linen cloth.
For some whimsy, a real wooden bench seat is enhanced with full Trumpe L' oeil all around with painted seat back, railings, legs and beach sence through out the room.
A beautiful strand of painted seashells adorns this bathroom wall.
My client request a reproduction of Renoir's Luncheon of the boating party to be placed in front of a custom made wine rack.
Hand painted swag of shells with airbrushed shadows and strie' linen glaze.
Hand painted faux marble bench seat and back.